I suck at Mibba things | February Faves

I'm really bad at being active on here, I've been really busy lately so that's partly why. Mainly I'm just lazy and haven't really had the energy to do more than lurk lately. I've also been focusing on my novel that I've been writing for the past few years because my inspiration for it has sparked up again so I haven't really looked at Echoes in a while. I do have half a chapter written though so I'll try and get something out soon.

I've also been reading a crap ton. In the past week alone I've finished five books which is completely ridiculous, but I have. This month in total I read:

-11.22.63 by Stephen King
-Anno Dracula by Kim Newman
-The Sound by Sarah Alderson
-Brave New Love which was an anthology of short stories based on romance in different dystopias
-Sweetly by Jackson Pierce
-Severed Heads, Broken Hearts by Robyn Schneider
-The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter

Other stuff that's possibly interesting that happened this month is that I started the squat challenge and I'm nearly finished I just have one more day to go which I'm pretty proud about, and I saw A Day To Remember on Valentines day (THEY WERE AMAZING AND I NEARLY DIED) which my boyfriend wasn't too happy about but it was a pretty cute morning together, we listened to playlists we'd made for each other and exchanged presents and he got me a gorgeous bracelet that has since been broken by my dog and now I can't find it anywhere *internal panicking* but hopefully it'll turn up. My best friend had her 18th too so that was good. Other than that not much has happened.

Stuff I liked this month -

Series 2 of My Mad Fat Diary
It's better than ever, and even though the eye candy is a huge plus and I mean HUUGE LOOK AT THEM:

but it's just so raw and honest about things like mental illness and growing up, plus it's hilarious. I really recommend it to anyone who hasn't watched it :)

Um I can't really think of much else, my favourite book from the ones I read was probably either The Sound or Anno Dracula and after that I can't think of much else.

How was your month guys? :3
March 1st, 2014 at 01:22am