Praying hard

I am 23, I work hard.
I work three jobs. Three part times that equal to about a full time and a part time. I work 52 to 60 hours a week. My body feels it too. I am in pain constantly, but it doesn't help that I am overweight and on my feet all day for one of my jobs.
I work as a night time gas station attendant, and a night time front desk clerk at a hotel. I also work in the afternoons at the hotel as a food and beer passer outter, haha.
I love and hate my jobs. I love my regulars (that actually talk to me), but I don't feel accomplished.

I have always said if all I do in life is worship God, and make one single person smile because of anything I am just as accomplished as people in the likes of Austin Carlile, Danny Worsnop, Eminem, Andrea Gibson, hell anyone I look up to that has done a lot with their lives.

I believe that accomplishments are not measured in what you do, but what you do for others.

I just hate that I have no direction though. I want to do something with my life, something big, and educated. I have no idea though. I was certified as a phlebotomist, and could not use my certification because I have such a bad anxiety any time I got near a person with a needle my hands would shake something awful, and medications did not help me. So my dreams of being a nurse...crushed.
Then I thought about teaching, but I am scared that if I go to college and spend all this money I will waste it because I am not sure if I can 'handle' that job.

Words are my only connection I have to this world. They are they only thing next to God that has saved my life. I want to do something with words, but I am not a great writer, yes I have a story, but no real talent.

I guess I am finished ranting, but I have a favor from people.

If you pray please pray for me, for direction, because I am so lost in this world, and I am not hearing what God is trying to tell me. If you don't pray to God, just wish me well, or send me good vibes.

Thanks. Love 'ya all!
Nighty night.
March 1st, 2014 at 09:19am