Anyone watch Arrow? Barry/Felicity ship!

Let me just preface this by saying that I'm new to the whole shipping thing. In fact, I only found out about it through Mibba. I mean, I always knew it was a thing, but I never knew it had a name until now. ANYWAY, my question is this...

Does anyone else out there ship Barry/Felicity? I can't be alone, right? Though I do realize that Oliver/Felicity (or Olicity) is the major pairing for Arrow fans, but still, the chemistry between Barry and Felicity, even in that relatively short period of time that Barry was on the show, was just amazing. Every scene between the two put a huge smile on my face. It was like seeing the perfect vision of two high school sweethearts falling in love right before my very eyes.

I say high school sweethearts because, honestly, they both do act like they're still in high school, and that's a major reason for why I think they're perfect for one another; the fact that they are both so intensely naive and awkward. I know the saying goes that "opposites attract", but Barry and Felicity make the opposite of that (horribly lame pun intended) work very, VERY well.

I would say that it's thanks to them that I finally understand this whole shipping thing that other girls seem to go absolutely crazy over.

So thank you, Barry Allen and Felicity Smoak, for both being insanely cute and awesome...


(And Felicity better have cameo appearances in The Flash, or else I'll be raging hard...)
March 3rd, 2014 at 02:27am