Weekly Story Recommendation #3

I'm starting this again! It's been too long and it seems to get people's attention on more stories, plus I hope this makes authors a bit more happy and that they feel appreciated for the awesome things they write :)

I've decided to make a weekly story recommendation, where I'll link three stories that I find great and tell you why and then you'll read them... or die. c:

Previous Recommendation

Asylum - This is an Avenged Sevenfold story with a different plot and a completely new concept to me. You can probably tell by the name of this story what setting it is played out in.. at first. It's about a girl named Hayley who got into an asylum because of a crime that wasn't her fault, entirely. I don't want to say too much but this story is absolutely great, it's well written and keeps you on your toes. There's always a little twist that spikes your interest and makes you want more, more and more after each chapter. It's an emotional roller-coaster for the main character at first and some of the other characters makes you literally annoyed at or angry for how they act or what they do.

Very well-written,, emotional and gets its readers involved in it, like you can imagine it going on like a clear picture in your head. VIVID. IMAGINATION.

Slip - A supernatural A7X story that is the sequel to the amazing 'What We Left Unsaid'. This is probably one of my absolute favorite stories on Mibba. Incredibly detailed written but not overbearingly yet it's believeable despite the supernatural aspects. It is so thought out and well planned due to it being a story about werewolves, love and in general conflicts. This sequel is to me a battle between what's right and wrong, its an emotional struggle with Zacky and he has to face many decisions, some where it's probably going to be for his own advantage but sometimes he's going to have to swallow his tongue and go with what's best for his mate.

You never know what to expect from this story, it is rarely predictable and when it is you get so excited and think you can guess right on the next twist- that never happens. Definitely top 10 on Mibba!!

Cherokee Rose - Daryl Dixon story where I can happily say that it is similar to how he acts in The Walking Dead but with the authors own interpretation. A lot of Daryl Dixon stories have the character itself be very opposite, extremely warm and just nice whilst others make him too bad ass, not distant like I feel he is. Here he is greatly balanced and the main character gets a taste of the conflicts between her brother Zacky and Daryl. She's faced with loyalty between her family and the group and obviously, killing walkers c:

I love the way this is written, perfectly the way I like it. Not too long with paragraphs but also normal, bloody language. The main character isn't overly badass nor too weak, once again another character that's well balanced.

If you want your story here next week, message me c:

There are just some rules (or what you prefer to call it):

- Proper grammar!
- Use paragraphs!
- Has to be an active story if it's not finished.
- Preferably band- fan fiction since I can't read anything else and I want to write why people should read them otherwise it'll be hard if I myself can't read them.

Check out the previous weeks story recommendations, here!

Also if you want to request a banner from me, from now on check my tumblr out: http://mibbiwibbi.tumblr.com c:
March 7th, 2014 at 09:47pm