Ignorant and Stupid ; the real definitions.


But let's get started. I've seen a lot on this thing we have called the internet. And I've seen a lot of bullying and name-calling, using my two favorite words, "ignorant" and stupid".

The places I've seen it happen more often are usually twitter with people saying "If you like stupid bands like pierce the veil or sleeping with sirens you're stupid."

Okay, let's start with that. If you like something that a lot of other people like, you're bullied for it and called stupid or ignorant. and yet if you like something that no one else had heard of, or you listen to the "cooler bands" like BAAO or Neck Deep or Basement, you're "automatically better than everyone else".

That's not even how to use those words, anyways. The literal definition of ignorant is that you do not know whatever it is someone is talking about. If you don't know what 2+2 is equal to, you are ignorant. You are not ignoring the answer, you truthfully do not know it.

However, the definition of the word stupid is you are not able to grasp the concept of a problem. If we're looking at 2+2 again, being "stupid" is not being able to understand what addition is. Now, everything has context and not necessarily understanding necessarily a concept does not make you stupid. There isn't anybody in the world who I would consider stupid because everyone has strengths and weaknesses. You don't know how to graph a parabola, but you can play the bassoon? I can't even play the bassoon. That's really cool.

You can't keep a beat to save your life, but you can write an essay like *snaps fingers* that? I can't do that. That's awesome. I wish.

Using the word stupid to describe someone's music taste is not only a false statement (because of the definition) but it's also false because no one is stupid. And obviously, if someone knows what music they like, they're not ignorant, either. I'd suggest reading a dictionary, or maybe trying to lighten up and stop thinking you're better because you think the music you listen to is cooler than everybody else's. You've become worse than people who believe they're superior because they listen to pop.

((if I offend anybody, i'm really not sorry. I want this out there. I want people to understand.))
March 8th, 2014 at 09:19pm