I'm Pretty Sure I'm Crazy.

I hate perpetuating the idea that girls are inherently clingy, but I can't seem to stop doing that.

My boyfriend, who I live with, went somewhere with a friend yesterday. They planned to come home last night, but ended up deciding to stay.

And instead of being mature adult about it, I actually, honestly, lost my shit. Like, the only time I ever get close to a panic attack is when things like this happen. And I hate it. Because I know I'm capable of keeping it together and dealing with it rationally. But I never do. Luckily my boyfriend handles it well. I mean he gets pretty frustrated, but eventually he'll just work on calming me down.

But of course this freak out set the stage for today. I woke up with a headache that was probably the second worst headache I've ever had. I slept in my contacts, I didn't eat dinner last night so I'm at this weird level of starving and sick. I'm a hot mess.

Oh and my laptop last night decided that it would refuse to access the internet, so I'm going to need to get that problem fixed too.

Also, I'm working. And I think I'd rather be anywhere else than answering phones today.

He'll be home when I get home, I hope. And I honestly cannot wait. Lame, I know.
But I miss him, even if it's only 36 hours, I miss him.
He makes me happy. So, that's a good thing.
I just wish I wasn't so crazy.
Someone explain this to me. Why am I so attatched and nuts about it?
Keep sending me stories to read if you want, I'm at work and I'd rather focus on that than work.
March 9th, 2014 at 07:42pm