25 Random Facts (In Case Anyone Wants to Know Me Better).

1. I have a Bachelors Degree in Professional Writing. Which, is really fun to say but it doesn't mean much except that I spent four years learning all about writing, and the writing industry. It did not help me get a job. But it's ok, because I pretty much knew that was going to happen anyway. But it is really fun to understand writing (and writers) at a deeper level. And I'm really glad I spent all that time and money to learn about it. And it wasn't just writing, it was editing, publishing, grant writing, journalism, ect. It kind of turned me into a writing encyclopedia.

2. My mechanics are still terrible. Despite having a degree in writing, I am still horrible at mechanics. Mostly because I don't think about them when I'm writing and I'm usually too lazy to go back and fix my mistakes.

3. I have been in the same relationship for almost eight years (since I was 14, almost 15) and we still actually like each other (and live together).

4. If you asked me what color my eyes were I couldn't tell you. Maybe Hazel, maybe green, maybe gray. I don't know.

5. I work taking phone orders for a mail order catalogue. Which, by the way, is exhausting.

6. I'm in love with bubble tea. Which is a shame because there only one bubble tea place in my entire state, and it's two hours away.

7. I volunteer every year at a renewable energy festival that my mother helps run. I'm in charge of my own festival gate (it's the one all the vendors/sponsors/performers/presenters come through). And it is always the highlight of my summer. I would sacrifice my job in order to continue to volunteer there. I like being part of that festival family.

8. I will listen to pretty much any kind of music, except Country, and Rap. Sorry, can't do it. I'm a metal fan at heart but I love pretty much any rock band that isn't too cheesy (I'm looking at you Nickleback).

9. I love photography. It's my second favorite thing besides writing. If I'm ever rich I'm building my own dark room.

10. I also love abandon buildings. I'm that crazy person who wants to find a way in an explore every inch of them. There's an old resort just down the road from me that I'm dying to get in to, but the owners live on the property so it's probably not going to happen. :-\

11. I live off of coffee. Seriously.

12. There's always a jar of peanut butter in our cabinet that is solely mine. Because I'll just eat it with a spoon (and double dip because it's my jar and who cares).

13. I really like to knit. Hats are fun, so are arm warmers. I learned how to knit in the round this winter and so my next project is going to be leg warmers. If I can muster up the patience.

14. I'm horrifically impatient. If I cannot finish it quickly, or instantly, I do not want anything to do with it. I will give up. Hence why most of my stories and knitting projects go unfinished.

15. I own somewhere between 15 and 20 empty journals. They'll all really pretty, but I haven't gotten around to filling any of them yet. Someday maybe.

16. I have stories I've been working on for almost ten years that haven't seen the light of day because they're my babies, and no one can read them until they're perfect.

17. I'm self-publishing a novella/novel sometime this year with the help of my college. It's awesome. And it's really hard work. And I'm extremely unmotivated.

18. I try not to care what people love or hate at the moment. I write what's in my heart. Who cares if the world hates Vampires all of a sudden? If I feel like writing a vampire story, I'm going to. And I'm not going to let the people who complain about whatever topic it is get me down. I refuse to let other people dictate what I write.

19. I'm a sucker for a good love story. Even though all my stories are bloody, and all my male characters are badasses. If you show me a good sappy love story I will love you forever.

20. I idolize John Green. I can't read his books without turning to someone at least once and saying: "why can't I write like this!!!" My other favorites include (but are not limited to): Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allen Poe, Chuck Pahlaniuk, Neil Gaiman, Tolkien, and Rowling.

21. I love to bake. Give me a recipe and I can bake it. And most likely I won't get frustrated like most people do. I understand baking. Cooking real food, however, is a different story.

22. I love flannel shirts so much I can, and will, wear them during every season.

23. The same can be said for knee-high boots. I'm a sucker for any, and all boots.

24. I named my car Blaze. I don't know why, even. But I talk to her on occasion like when the weather is really bad: "It's ok, Blazie, you can do this. We can make it."

25. When I'm writing I have to listen to music, and I usually like it to be dark. I have soundtracks for all of my current projects, and I add or take away from them depending on my mood or if I get sick of the songs.
March 12th, 2014 at 11:42pm