3/12/14, Q&A

Hello beauties! I'm really sorry that I've been away for awhile! I've been really busy and pretty much planning my future in a way! Today I wanted to come back to blogging by answering some fun questions! I hope you all have joined the March Reading Month Challenge here on Mibba! Enjoy!

1.) Thing you cannot leave the house without: My phone! :D
2.) Favorite brand of makeup: E.L.F.
3.) Favorite flower: The lovely Blue rose
4.) Favorite clothing store: Either Aeropostale, Hollister, or Wet Seal
5.) Favorite Perfume: Our Moment by One Direction
6.) Heels or flats: flats
7.) Do you have good grades: A's and B's
8.) Favorite colors: Blue, green, pink
9.) Do you drink energy drinks: Not really, I've tried them though
10.) Do you drink juice: Yeah, sometimes Kool-aid
11.) Do you like swimming: Yes, as long as it's not competitive swimming
12.) Do you eat fries with a fork: Sometimes, like at Applebees
13.) Favorite Moisturizer: Olay :D
14.) Do you want to get married later in life: Yes, after I graduate college
15.) Do you get mad easily: At my sister, yes, anyone else, no
16.) Are you into ghost hunting: NO
17.) Any phobias: Spiders and Claustrophobic
18.) Do you bite your nails: I pick at them
19.) Have you ever had a near death experience: Nope
20.) Do you drink coffee: YESEROONIE
21.) What is your starsign: Sagatarius
22.) What shoe size are you: 8
23.) What's your favorite zoo animal: Peacock
24.) What's your favorite pizza topping: Ham and Pineapple
25.) What's your favorite TV show: The Fosters and The Voice

Thanks for reading! Have a good night!

March 13th, 2014 at 12:52am