The most annoying four words in a story

I freaking hate it even when people use it in real life...

Once upon a time.

I can't stand it and I'm not talking about how the fairy tales use them, I' talking about how when people are about to tell you something like a back story or something, they'll say "where when once upon a time I use to blah blah blah."

I don't know why, it just drives me freaking crazy!!!

Like just get to the freaking point! No one has said it in a conversation with me thank goodness, but it is annoying read in books and annoying to even hear on TV. I first heard this on a TV show called My Strange Addiction. This girl who was addicted to drinking animal blood said it to a doctor and right then and there I got irritated.

And if I see it in a book, I skip that whole page. I just hate it so much! It's the most useless four words ever!
March 15th, 2014 at 03:26pm