I got something lovely in the post || Writing buddies?


(I'm trying to hide my face because I'm hungover and have no make-up on. Always classy.)

If you don't know what I'm holding then shame on you. It's the physical ACTUAL PHYSICAL, YOU CAN HOLD IT IN YOUR HANDS AND TURN THE PAGES, book by the (wo)man, the myth, the maverick silk tea.

Know how long it took to get here? OVER A MONTH AND A HALF. YEAH. THIS BADBOY HAS CROSSED BOTH LAND AND SEA AND HAS PROBABLY MET PIRATES AND POSEIDON (I'm ignoring the plane it went in ok) AND HERMES AND THE QUEEN, before being in my local post office for about a week because that's how long it takes them to deliver one thing.

If you haven't brought it yet you can GET IT HERE. Just so you know. I suggest you do it because everything silk tea. writes is wonderful :) Plus the fact we should support our fellow Mibbians in anyway we can.


I think I was bad in the past because most of them have disappeared :/ but I know that I need to be 'more involved' with the site. I used to be, back in the day when I had a different username and I would frequent the forums and comment on blogs and I was just a better person. YOU MADE ME A BETTER PERSON. I don't know where I'm going with this...erm, oh yeah! Writing buddies.

It's not that I necessarily need people to help me work out ideas, I just like talking about writing and literature and listening to other people talk about their stories -especially if they're very passionate. So if anyone has any story issues or wants a second opinion on something, or, well anything really just comment or send me a message. Even if you just want to chat :)


Now, can I make it through a blog without Kit?

No. Apparently not.
March 15th, 2014 at 05:05pm