School, Friends, and Depression.

So, I'm going back to school tonight, and I'm really not looking forward to it.
I'm not sure if this as ever happened to any of you, but it's like, lately I just don't want to be around my friends at school.
I know it's probably because my depression's been so bad lately, but I've been getting really annoyed by everything. Like, they do the smallest thing and I just want them to leave me alone. It's tough too because one of my best friends is my roommate and my other friend brings all her stuff into my room and doesn't leave. I can't just ask her to leave because I feel like that would be rude and I know she'd get mad at me.
I just don't know what to do. I thought maybe me and this main friend in particular were just fighting because we spend too much time together, and spring break would make me feel better. And I'm sure she'll be over it when we get back, because that always happens, but I'm still kind of feeling annoyed with her.
And room selection is coming up soon for next year and she wants to room with me and my current roommate because next year we move into apartment style housing. We just fight so much that I don't know, and her and my roommate want to live in one residence hall which is like fifteen minutes walk away from all my classes and I really don't want to. It will cause all these other problems because I don't have money for groceries and they'll problem not get a meal plan so I'd have to walk fifteen minutes by myself every night just to eat. Part of me just wants to live in the other residence hall by myself and become a recluse.
I told my parents I just want to transfer schools or take a semester just doing online classes and living at home, and they said absolutely not. They say I won't hang out with anyone if I live at home and I need to be social, but I have social anxiety really bad and constantly having to be around friends is driving me crazy.
At this point I don't even know what I want to do. I want to be reading and writing, but I can't focus. My school work is suffering because I don't feel like doing anything besides surfing the internet and watching The Office and I'm an English major so I have two books I'm supposed to have read by tomorrow and one for Wednesday along with one discussion questions thing and one reaction paper.
And I feel so bad for role playing partners because I want to role play but I don't have the drive to respond, and I feel like such a sucky person.
I don't know. I'm gonna end my rant now because I'm sure if you're still reading this you are now severely bored.
Any advice for me?

Ps: On the bright side my dad's got us tickets to Flashdance by Broadway Across America for the 29th. And we might get some for Mama Mia, also by Broadway across America. And this summer we're most likely seeing Cabaret on actual Broadway with Michelle Williams as Sally.
March 18th, 2014 at 12:03am