Ideas and Such >.>

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii guys,

I am tired and delirious right now XD I am wanting to kill people left and right because the week is not going by fast. I'm kidding XD but I would like this week to go by fast. I doubt any of you read the last chapter I wrote for my Die story that I will be leaving for New York on Friday. I'll be gone a full week and I can sure as hell tell you I will not be able to write cause I'll be so busy @.@ but hopefully I will push out another chapter of my Die story before I leave.
I think part of the reason I stopped writing for a bit was because I couldn't come up with any ideas for the filler chapter that I did. I have to admit, that is the stupidest chapter I have ever written -3- well I liked the beginning of it but that's about it! Anyways, it is starting to come out like I wanted it too and there will probably be a couple more chapters until it's done. I am happy that I am able to see this story through because I've grown fond of it and it actually has a message behind it >.>;;;;
But I will be posting a new story when I am finished with the Die one. It is a Yoko Kurama story because he's oh so amazing o>w<o and we will also see what else is in store. Hopefully I'll get more readers but we shall see!
March 18th, 2014 at 07:02pm