One More Week!

Good morning everyone!
I would say the morning is glorious, but it's pretty overcast and miserable where I am - oh well!

I'm happy anyway - only one week to go until my birthday! Eeeeeehhhhhhhh!!!! I don't even know why I'm so excited. It's not like anything particularly important is happening. It's not a big birthday - I'm going to be 23. And I don't even know if I'm going out to dinner with my family. AND I already know what my parents are buying me - new ski gear because mine's pretty much fallen apart after so many years of use.

BUT it will be my birthday and it's the first time my birthday falls when I've worked in London! Yay! I think I might just go out for a few drinks with the girls from work, nothing too special, but just something to mark the occassion. That'd be nice :)

So yeah, if I don't update much next week, this is why! I'll be celebrating all week by eating copious amounts of cake haha. Hope everyone has a good day too!

March 19th, 2014 at 12:40pm