AMAZING quotes....

from someone elses journal.

Gerard's concern for suicidal kids.
He was talking about it so much.

He was talking about how if you ever felt suicidal, you should talk to someone.
And I love how he mentions that in concert. He doesn't care how much more time you have in the concert, he'll talk his fans out of it.
And he even gives advice.
I love him so much.

"If you, or someone you know is severly depressed, you NEED to fucking talk to somebody. Your best friend, your mom, or somebody at school, I don't know fuck. Because pissing your life away on suicide is fucking bullshit."

~Gerard in concert. And at the end of his little speech, Frank gives him a little kiss.

"People need to live their lives the way they want. It's fine, I mi- I m-, I don't want to be preachy, like if people like to drink, that's awesome, but, it just doesn't work for me."

"Well, my band really believed in me, and because of that they had saved my life again. I, I wanted us to win, and I wanted us to do some good. Fight the good, fight, keep fighting, and the only way I knew I could do that was just by quiting."

"It made me suicidal. Which is n... you know. I had been suicidal a couple times in my life but not this bad. It's to the point where you start thinking about it as an escape route. That's when it gets serious. When you're like, well, if anything really bad ever happens, I'll just do this, it'll be able to go away. So that that was where booze and pills had gotten."

~Gerard being amazing.

I also love how Frank will rub Gerard's back when he is puking.
March 30th, 2007 at 06:40am