Writer's Block Officially Gone

Yes! It happened last night, I was laying in bed about to you know, finally go to sleep when bam, assholes from my past crept in my mind and inspired me to write a drabble about them and their crappy, terrible, horrible ways!

So then I started writing but then stopped because I was really tired and my room was dark. But anyway, I have my writing bug back, I couldn't be happier. I'm writing a drabble called "Nostalgia" that I started last night and um, listening to Yiruma and I'm getting all super emotional.

Which is creepy and weird and I don't want to cry in Barnes and Noble! Again... But yeah, good day so far. Oh god, it's called "Time Forgets" and the drabble I'm writing is called "Nostalgia,", no wonder I'm about to cry. :(

Tell me guys, what are you working on now/today/later? What inspires you? how do you get through writer's block? Tell me tell me tell me! Okay, I have to get back to writing before my inspiration leaves me again and I'll cry for a completely different reason.
March 22nd, 2014 at 06:55pm