For those who read "An Act of Passion" - I NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU

It seems like no one read the blog I posted this morning but in it I wrote that I would be posting this sometime today to ask something of my readers for my Stefan Salvatore story, An Act of Passion. I haven't updated it in awhile, though I have a few chapters written because there is a chance I have to rewrite the very next chapter.

(if you haven't read all the chapters yet)

As a quick refresher as to what is going on at this point in time if you haven't read it in awhile - Ophelia has become linked to Jeremy Gilbert through a spell that Bonnie did in order for them to share the burden of being a hunter (since Ophelia is only part-hunter). This bond has made them quite infatuated with one another and I know that probably throws off some of my fans since it's a Stefan story but I have my reasons. I promise this is just a stepping stone.

Now, I got a lot of silence after I posted that last chapter. I think some people were a little shocked that I did that but I really want to know how you're feeling about the bond to Jeremy. It is VERY important I know before I post the next chapter. Now, I love Jeremy. He's probably my second favorite man in the show (since Klaus has gone to New Orleans and I'm still pissed about it) behind Stefan so I am rather enjoying writing her and Jeremy interacting in this fashion but I know people want Stefan romance so I'm trying to be balanced in this.

I want to know if it bothers you that she and Jeremy are going to be romantic for the foreseeable few chapters (they are bound so it'll be a decent amount of time) and if it does I need to know how much. I will have to rewrite things if a lot of people have issues with this. So please PLEASE PLEASE leave me a comment talking to me about this. Once I hear from a few people (I know who my consistent commenters on that story are haha) then I will determine if I have to change things. If not, I can post the next chapter as soon as tonight or tomorrow. If I have to rewrite it'll probably be at least a week until I can work on it.

So I really, REALLY need your feedback.

Much appreciated. Thanks for reading!
xoxo, Erin
March 24th, 2014 at 10:57pm