Been gone for too long

Ok so I haven't really been writing much lately. I don't know why though. I guess just because I don't have the time. I feel so out of touch lately. I'm not sure why. LAtely my life has been so unpredictable. I've been heart broken, made to cry, happy, sad, and every where in between. I don't know i guess this is just going to be a blog about me ranting, raving, and complaining. But hey, I suppose every one needs that every once in a while.
So lately since the last time i was on Mibba was october of later year (2013). Sine then I have had two significant others. One that changed drastically and one that I am currently with. During the time I was with then took a few weeks to go to Virginia, form New Hampshire. He said he trying to make things good for us, and that one day he hoped we could move to Virginia together. But before he left I tried telling him after his repeated asking if I wanted him to go to virginia or not I finally broke down and told him that I didn't want him to go. Any other time I had said that I wanted him to do what he thought was best. But I finally broke down one night while talking to him on the phone. I was in tears begging him to stay with me. To this day I'm not sure if i did the right thing in that citation. But he went to Virginia. Though according to him, on the drive down he was fighting himself not to turn around and drive back. Which to me begs the question, what was stopping him? But he had intended to stay for a few months, but he also intended to leave in march. He left in february... But I got over that. But when he came back he was very different. He wouldn't talk to me, he wouldn't listen to me, he wasn't himself. All the decisions you would think we would make together, he made for us. I felt shut out, and in the dark. So I ended up leaving him. We got into huge fight were he called me a few unsavory things, and I couldn't take it anymore, so I left. He turned up a few months later and I talked to him, I like to say I believe in second chances, but he wasn't any different, and I haven't talk to him since.
Now I have the new guy I'm with and I'm quiet happy. We've had a few rough spots but nothing like what happened with my previous lover. So far things in my life have been getting better, well mostly. I have a job now but sadly I work at a McDonalds. But I suppose it could be worse. My grades are still, not a good as the could be, I love to see my friends, and my crush. Is it wrong to have a crush even though I have someone already?
I'm not pursuing my crush, I try to be more faithful than that. But I still think this kid is cute. And being a girl, having him simply wave to me, or say "hi", it just makes me blush an hide my face. I find myself following him in school. Keeping an eye on him when I see him. Oddly enough he, by accident, started serenading me the other day. I knew it was on accident but I still made me feel so special. Sometime I really wish he could be mine. But then I remember that he only says "hi" and that he would never go for a girl like me. but I suppose I can still dream.
So that's my life for the past five months. It's not very exciting but it's my life and I live it as best I can. The world keeps spinning and I try my best to spin with it. I hope you all can to the same. Not sure if anyone will read this but I hope someone might...
March 26th, 2014 at 05:19pm