I'm Probably Not Going to Update for a While

I have been very sick for the past six weeks or so. I've seen three different doctors and still no one knows what's going on. It started with hives and minor GI symptoms then progressed to severe abdominal pain. I had to stay home for four days from school because I could not sit up longer than to eat or drink a little. I still can't lay on my back for long nor can I lay on stomach at all. The hives have gone down in this time with 10 mg of Zyrtec and 40 mg of Pepcid twice a day (note this is under the care of a physician. It's quadruple the OTC dose of Pepcid and twice the OTC dose of Zyrtec). The GI symptoms have not really gone away. I am on a lot of Nexium. I have Bentyl and Zofran to take every six hours as needed, which is every six hours. They help enough so I am able to eat somethings. I have only been able to eat around 1000 calories a day. On a good day I may be able to 1500 calories. I am losing weight in a very unhealthy way. It's excruciatingly painful to eat anything solid. Even water hurts to drink. The only test that have come back abnormal were for an egg and dairy allergy. That is of no consequence since I'm vegan. I'm going to have an ultrasound Monday to check for gallbladder problems. If nothing shows there I have to have an endoscopy.

The worst thing about this all is I don't think my GI doctor believes the amount of pain in. As soon as I said I had CRPS this must be a functional disorder like IBS. If anything they should take me more seriously because I have a crazy high pain tolerance. I walk on my foot when it hurts enough to send most people to the ER. I am tired of the functional pain bullshit. My symptoms don't fit IBS and I know the difference. If it was functional pain the Neurontin and Elivil I'm on should help. I know the difference. It's like no one will listen. This is so out of the ordinary my mom is really worried. I simply don't complain unless I'm in a lot of pain. This is like the six months in agony before being diagnosed with CRPS. No one understood the pain. They just didn't believe me and that pisses me off. I am not making these symptoms up.

Right now I'm struggling to keep up at school because I have missed so much. On top of this I've been really depressed because of how sick I am. I can't play cello, my primary instrument, without it torture because of the way it sits and the vibrations. Cello has gotten me thorough hell and now it has become part of the problem. Guitar and bass bother me, but to a lesser extent. I have high quality instruments that resonate well. I have been getting sleep wherever I can. I am trying to write, but school comes before that. I will post updates when I can, just expect them to be to sporadic. I have spring break next week, so I will hopefully manage to update at least once.
March 28th, 2014 at 02:56am