
So I've realized something.. I'm fucking ashamed to even think of myself as a human being.. I'd be happier and gladly accept myself as a monster and be done with it. This entire world was slowly manufactured on pure bullshit. A woman sued McDonalds for millions because her coffee didn't say it was hot and it burned her. Congratu-fucking-lations.

I don't know if I can abide by mibba rules on this blog.. but I'll try.

So back in the day a kid could get pushed over on accident and get a cut on him or something. All that would happen is a simple trip to the doctors office and it was done
Parents would simply advise the children to be more careful.

Now a days police would be called..ambulance, parents would call parents. Lawyers get involved and lawsuits happen. Are people seriously so stupid? Or is it just greed.

Apperently you can so much as have your dick showing in public..could be totally accidental and you'd automatically be listed as a sexual predator. ... what the FUCK

If I don't live to be old its because I'd have shot myself due to the world I live in today.

Its dangerous to drive drunk. Yet you get arrested for walking home from the bar and charged with public intoxication.....

I almost need to smoke a bowl right now...

Plastic surgery, rotting in front of tvs , drugs, lawsuits, diseases, politics, war, stereotypes, judgements. Better tomorrow my ass.
Let's watch another episode of bullshit
Let's pay for a fucking patch
"Dress how you want to be treated"
"Fit into society"
Well when I want to be treated like a guy who spends his life squeezing every drop of intelligence and money from my neighbors and sleeping like a fucking baby, and let a world built on bullshit walk all over every aspect of my life so that I! Can FIT IN. I'll let ya fucking know.
March 28th, 2014 at 08:56pm