Updates! (Useless info regarding my hiatus)

So I'm officially back to being active on this site, a new meaningless username in tact; and let me tell you guys, my life has been absolutely crazy!

Soundwave was incredible, got to see Avenged 3 times in a week. $2000 later, totally worth it! I moved houses, made a new best friend named Jimmy because he saw my Jimmy Sullivan tattoo and now we're living together.

I have also officially completed my Cert. II in Music Industry, and am about to start my bachelor of contemporary performance at The Australian Institute of Music.

Also, I'm like, 3 months off being 21 and that is fucking terrifying. Such old!

So in conclusion, I'm back and ready to converse with all you lovely people once again.
April 1st, 2014 at 10:26am