I Don't Want to Look Like Willy Wonka...

So I decided to write this because nobody will give me a straight answer. I guess they don't want to hurt my feelings or something.
Anyways, I have a rounded face as you can probably see if you go to my profile and look at my pictures. They are slightly older pictures but my face hasn't changed. I have used a lot of heat on my hair and damaged it pretty badly so I was thinking of getting my hair cut and it's currently six inches past my shoulders. My hair never seems to grow past this point, and I would like it too, but if I cut it then it'll be like halfway down my neck. #WillyWonka.

I feel like I have to cut it in order for it to be healthy. So, my question is: Do you think I should cut my hair short? And if I was reading this I'd be like "Idgaf"
But I'm asking this because sometimes if you have a rounded or ovalish face and you get a short haircut then your face looks chubby and I'm pretty sure I don't need anymore cheek.

If you have any suggestions I would looove to hear/see them so please comment or message me :)
April 3rd, 2014 at 01:28pm