How Twilight Could Have Been Better.

I notice a lot lately that there's much contempt for the Twilight series, and quite rightly so. I've always enjoyed reading the opinions of others concerning Twilight, and here's how it could've been better.

No.1 First off, I just found out that Stephenie Meyer happens to be a feminist. How could a feminist write a character such as Bella Swan? Bella whined constantly, and her ridiculousness and stupidity persisted throughout the books. Here's an example. In New Moon, Bella complains that she's "older" than Edward when she hits her 18th birthday. How the f*ck can she be older than him? He's a 109 year-old vampire who was frozen when he was 17. She'll never be older than him, he was born in 1901!

No.2 She is always so constantly forgiving of Edward, even when he leaves her in New Moon, which really annoyed me, mainly because, realistically, what person would forgive someone who walks out on them? I certainly wouldn't.

No.3 The relationship between Bella and Edward certainly cannot be described as normal. They constantly watch each other, and in Twilight Edward even climbs in her window to watch her sleep!
Does the word "stalker" mean anything?

No.4 ACTION! Please! Meyer starves her readers of any action-packed or tense scenes. Everything, even in Breaking Dawn and Eclipse, where there was great potential for amazing action sequences, such as fighting the newborn vampire coven or having an epic battle with the Volturi, everything is resolved through talking or completely edited out. I'm not saying I prefer violence over peaceful discussion, but in a book and movie series which contains vampires, werewolves, immortal children and a vampire royal family, couldn't have there been some epic battles to sate my hunger for an exciting story? In New Moon, maybe Jacob or another werewolf attacked the Cullens for hunting on their land? A war between two supernatural factions while Bella is being stalked by a vengeful vampire who's mate Edward killed in Twilight would've been fantastic! Providing some scenes. Maybe, Victoria, the vengeful vampire I just told you about, killed Charlie and viciously attacked Bella, but Alice, having forseen the events beforehand, tried to reach Bella but it was too late? So, in a desperate effort to save her, Alice turns her into a vampire. BUT there would be a slight problem with that. Bella was in love with Jacob and was pregnant with his werewolf baby after a drunken night out with him. THAT would've been perfect. Torn between her love for Jacob and guilt for cheating on Edward, Bella is forced to choose between the faction that saved her life and the werewolves whose pack leader she loves. (Yes, Jacob would be pack leader in this story).

Eclipse could be set immediately after the bloody fight, with Bella fighting for whatever faction, who in this case she'd fight for the werewolves. The Cullens lose Carlisle and Emmett while the werewolves lose Sam and Seth. While the battle finishes and Bella urges for them to end the war, which the vampires agree to. However, Rosalie decides to get revenge for Bella killing Emmett in the fight and turns a child into a vampire, effectively changing them into an immortal child, a vampire so powerful that it could destroy an entire town. And that's what it does. Completely destroying Forks, the werewolves, who survived the destruction, wage another war on the Cullens until only Alice and Edward remain. The Volturi, sensing the town's demise, rush there to prevent any humans from discovering the smouldering ruins of Forks. With the immortal child vanishing off the face of the Earth, the Volturi decided to kill of the werewolf pack and the Cullens, while searching for the immortal child. After killing off the werewolves until only Jacob and Bella are left, Edward, guilty for the grief he's caused Bella, joins forces with Jacob and Bella and so does Alice. United, they wage war on the Volturi. However, the Volturi has secured the immortal child and now uses it as their secret weapon in the Last Stand. The plan backfires, with the Volturi, the Cullens and Jacob killed in the attack and Bella's whereabouts unknown, the immortal child is left to roam the Earth.

Breaking Dawn could be set a few months after the Last Stand. The world has entered an apocalyptic state, with only a few hundred humans left and even less vampires and werewolves. Breaking Dawn would centre around Bella searching for the immortal child. The book would end with Bella sacrificing herself to save the world.

So, what do you think would've improved the Twilight saga or are you a Twi-hard?
April 3rd, 2014 at 09:11pm