Three Opening Sequences

He wrote "birthday cake, English yew, and 'Sorry For Your Loss' card" on his grocery list. He grinned smugly as he made his way to the store. Oh, yes. This was going to be perfect. He had made subtle implications to his friend all week that he was going to murder somebody. He couldn't wait to see the look on the cashier's, a.k.a. his friend's, face when he set the items on the conveyor belt. Luckily, his friend, Sebastian, kept all of his secrets.

"Hey, Sebby!" he called over after retrieving the desired items. A smirk spread across his face like toast on butter as Sebastian say hi and reached for the yew. As expected, the expression on his face was already priceless. The shock grew more apparent as he finished scanning the items, but he didn't question him, as usual. Very good. He achieved his goal: buy three items and try to make the cashier as uncomfortable as possible. The Walmart Game certainly was fun, especially when he got the chance to prank Sebastian.


He screeched in pain as wings grew from his back. Blood was caked onto his shoulder blades while the rest rushed down his spine. He barely had time to wonder why he agreed to this before searing pain clouded his thoughts. Feathers softly grazed his neck, but it failed to give him any comfort. In fact, it just reminded him of his poor decision to grow wings. He thought turning into an angel would be majestic, not make him wish he could just die again.


She bared her fangs at the monster in front of her. Oh, she absolutely loathed every single one of them. The measly tufts of fur - they called it hair - on their head, lack of a snout, and the fact that they were just plainly dumb really made her wonder why such ugly, stupid creatures were able to survive. She used to like them, even thought it was cute how they covered their skin with makeshift fur. Besides, she felt like she had to like them at least a little since she was half-human herself. It was nice when her old owners stroked her fur and did as much as they could to make her purr and feel safe. That didn't last for long, though.

One day she woke up the the sent of smoke filling her nose. She simply flicked her tail in agitation and stared at the blazing fire rising from the stove. Her owners always burnt things when they tried to cook. Truthfully, she would rather they buy that wet cat food from the store. At least it tasted better than the excuse they called chicken. She frowned as the flames licked up the toilet paper they left on the counter. Wasn't her owners going to put the fire out? Her tail brushed over a piece of paper. She glanced back to read it. "Went to store. Be back later. Dinner should be done by the time we get back." Oh. Of course. They left the stove on. Didn't they realize that they couldn't leave it on, especially next to toilet paper they forgot to put away?

Suddenly, a human in a firefighter outfit burst into the house, snatched her up by the collar, and dragged her out of her home. She never saw her owners again after that. She was convinced they tried to set her on fire.
April 3rd, 2014 at 10:42pm