Result of Boredom

Last question blog...I promise. This is the result of super boredom.

1:What is your favorite color?

2:What is your favorite flower?
-Orange or yellow or white roses. Or this bleeding heart plant that has pink blooms.

3:What shoes did you wear today?
-Light blue converse

4:What are you doing right now, besides answering these questions?
-Listening to Sick Puppies

5:What was the last thing you ate/drank?
-Cherry Dr. Pepper, my friend got me hooked

6:What color is your room?
-Light green

7:What's your middle name?

8:What are you sitting in?
-A spinning chair

9:What Social Network do you use the most?
-Does Mibba count?

10:What is one thing you've done that you'll never do again?
-...Hmmmmm.....Oh! Go to a mcr concert :(

11:If you could change one thing about your appearance what would it be?
-Just one thing? Um prolly like get rid of my baby cheeks.

12:What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
-Pay three dollars...

13:Food you cannot live without?
-Velveeta mac

14:Are you religious?
-Roman Catholic until the end ;)

15:Favorite song?
-To sing, The Awakening, or Seal Lullaby
-To jam, Smells Like Teen Spirit

16:Are you good at anything?
-This question tho' xD. Ummm writing poetry I guess and singing too...that's it. That make me awesome?(Z) 

17:Two superpowers?
-Mindreader, and teleportation.

18:Any fears?
-Spiders, birds, heights(ironically), escalators, elevators, riding the bus, other drivers

19:Last time you cried?
-Twice yesterday tbh. First there was a spider...then I burned my hair off with a straightener...I'm intelligent.

20:Last time you danced?
-12:20pm on thursday in P.E. Blame Nsync

21:If you're a girl are you wearing make-up, if you're a boy have you ever worn makeup?
-No I am not wearing makeup

-...Pssshhh whaaaaaa? Like 17...joking

23:Favorite sport?
-I hate playing sports but I love watching hockey and I don't mind football.

24:Favorite older song?
-Lola by The Kinks

25:How many songs are on your iPod/Mp3?

26:Your favorite era?
-1920s, or the 50s

27:Music department, or athletics department?
-Music dep. for seven years and hopefully many more :)

28:Thoughts on Justin Bieber?
-I mean, I don't hate the kid and I admit some songs are good but I also don't think the razzi should be in his business 24/7. If some people are so sick of him then stop showing his face on tv. That just gives the kid more attention. Also, they should leave Selena out of this because she doesn't deserve to be sucked into that screwed up world especially with her disease ad everything that's going on with her.#Selenator

29:Heart ever been broken?
-Torn, but not broken. 

30:Every drastically change your appearance?
-...I dyed my hair blonde once.

31:Does Leonardo deserve an Oscar?
-Omigawd yes, yes he does. Somebody get that man an Oscar before he dies! 

32:Ever like someone you shouldn't? about almost everyone I've ever liked?

33:What job will you most likely end up with?
-My career that I will most likely end up with is being a paralegal, hopefully I model though. 

34:Do you hate anyone?

35:Ever been in a fight?

36:Do you know how to cook?
-Grilled cheese, eggs, Ramen, mac...the necessary things :p

37:Favorite cologne/perfum?
-Victoria's Secret Love Spell

-Nah, if it should continue swimming and if it's in water it should remain in water...AKA nowhere near my plate :)

39:Favorite bird/animal?
-Is a bird not an animal?...Anyways, I am terrified of birds so my favorite animal would be a baby sloth, or turtle, or puppy, or baby bear cub, or baby monkey.

40:Kids when you are older?
-For sure, two adopted and then two more :)

41:How do you dress?
-Like a G....nah. Ummmm mostly skinny jeans and t shirts and converse or skinny jeans t shirts and cowboy boots.

-Nope...well I mean sometimes...I love art though and I greatly admire people who can draw/paint/sketch/sculpt.

43:Camera or phone camera?
-Camera! I looooooooove taking pictures of almost everything. I have yet to take pictures of anybody but I really want to try something and I have the perfect idea too. I normally take pictures of random objects like records or cards or my guitars and then super edit them.

44:Weirdest dream you've had?
-I have super weird dreams so this won't be hard to pick a random one. Um...Oooh this one time (in my dream) I was sitting on this bench with my friend and then he asked me to help him cheat on his girlfriend so I did and now whenever I see him I'm like (in my head) you totally cheated on your girlfriend with me(I don't even like him too)... Another time I had this week of dreaming where each night one of my friends would die and one got decapitated by a car.#WTFdoesThatMean?

45:Ever broke a bone?

46:Best name you've ever heard?
-Funniest; Douchon Mandick #VivaLaBam
-Prettiest; Cadence
-Famous sounding; Thomas Wesley 

47:Are you popular? my group of friends yeah

48:Craziest thing you've done?
-Oh god I made a bet that I could say "yes" for an entire day and I ended up hugging this girl and whispering to her I love her and I still owe my one friend 20$.

49:Stupidest thing you've done?
-I was probably seven or eight and my sister put me in a car-cart. The cart that has a fake car at the front and she was racing the cart up and down aisles and then crashes me into like five shelves of glass. @AChoirSangChange thank you for my real-life car accident prepping.

50:Bad habits?
-This is where everyone starts to hate me. 
So I have this weird thing where if I hear someone crying I will start laughing and I think it's a nervous thing, this one time a kid jumped up to hit the exit sign and fell down and broke his arm and started screaming and crying and I was literally on the floor laughing. I am the definition of a terrible person. It happens in restaurants too, like the time when this kid was crying super loud at the table across from us and I had to shove my face against my mom's arm to quiet my laughing....

So I hope you enjoyed or whatever. Adios amigos!
April 4th, 2014 at 01:28pm