All Was Golden In The Sky readers...

I haven't abandoned Annie, I swear! In fact I very much plan to continue on with Annie and Brendon's story, I'm just stuck right now in transitioning from the point I've led up to to the point I plan to take this.

I ask you to bear with me as I continue to figure out this transition better. Does anyone have any suggestions? I thrive off of feedback, and would love to hear what you all want to see in the (immediate) future of this piece. If I can't think of anything better, I may have to wrap it up soon, and I know nobody wants that!

(But I hear sequels are all the rage right now...)

Anyway, let me know what you all think! If anyone even sees this. I know I'm not that popular. Whatevs.
April 8th, 2014 at 01:31am