A Blog About My Blog

I like the set up for the blogs on here. I like posting new blog entries on here, don't get me wrong. But I never like to be too personal on here. I feel like my mibba blog is in no way, shape, or form my journal, so to speak. I don't feel like I can write with little to no identity about everything that's troubling my mind. I don't know; it's hard to explain. Basically, I created my own little blogging website through Weebly, and posted one entry. I really enjoy it. I think I might do one every week or more than that on there. And while it is very personal and private and very, very different than my mibba blog, I'd like it to be looked at once or twice, maybe, by the right people. I feel like I can trust mibbians (which explains why it was so hard for me to properly clarify my reasons for creating a totally separate blog for my personal stuff...I'm weird I guess) so I'll put the link here for anyone who wants to go check it out. It's pretty boring right now; like I said there's only one entry and it's kind of sad. But I don't know, if you're interested, or if you're friends with me on here, feel free to look at it and check back every now and again or something. I made it more for me than anyone else, but you know, it's there. If you're bored. Blah. I sound dumb. I'll just put the link. Sorry. lonelyghostblogs.weebly.com.
April 8th, 2014 at 06:25am