to whom it may concern.'s been an indefinite amount of time since I've logged onto Mibba. I definitely feel out of a place, out of sorts with the entire site. But, I'm writing this for a reason, so here goes.

My entire will and want to write has been completely off for the past few months and no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to drag myself out of this...funk. Honestly, I haven't felt like myself for the last year and it's due to a number of things. I'm more emotional, more sensitive to things that never really bothered me before, and my temperament has basically boiled down to that of a ticking time bomb. My feelings are all over the place, I can't sit down long enough in front of my stories to even concentrate on completing a sentence mind is just focused on things other than writing and I just can't right now.

I'm just about to my breaking point, emotionally and mentally. I've never really been one to deal with my true emotions because it just doesn't seem...natural to me. So, I suppress and I numb and I do just about everything that you shouldn't do when it comes to facing how you truly feel inside.

My muse is sick and I worry about him every minute of every day. I had a nightmare that he passed away and it shook me to my core. Waking up at three in the morning, covered in a cold sweat, and crying is not how I like to start my day. Especially since that particular day required me to sit in an eight o'clock Abnormal Psychology class. I can't remember the last night I got an ounce of decent sleep.

Being a Psychology major, I've learned to know when I need to seek help for myself, but the struggle is getting there and accepting it, you know. I'm just about close to tears writing this, but I'm dangerously close to the edge, guys, and I've got to go. I've got to do something before I end up harming myself.

So, where does that leave my stories...well, until I can figure out what the heck is going on my life, I'm not going to be writing anything related to what I have posted on this site nor will there be any new story material. Everything will just continue to be at a standstill, much like it has been for the past year. Sure, I'll still linger around, answer messages, maybe post a blog here and there to let everyone know that I haven't just gone off the deep end. I'm pretty sure that some time in the future, I'll be back, but for right now, all of my writing is going to be put on the back burner.

I'm just...tired, guys. And I'm tired of being tired.
April 10th, 2014 at 12:21am