Help Needed! One Author to Others!

Hey everyone; I know I've been MIA on the blog thing for about a month for anyone who actually reads what I post but I kept forgetting, procrastinating, and getting lazy, so I'm sorry. But now I need some help.

Writer's Block has dragged me into its clutches and I can't escape, and it's getting bad. I'm looking for anything that can help me: fan fic or short story or poem. Anything! I just need the creative juices flowing again, because I haven't gone this long without writing in a really long time.

I promise that anybody who comments with an idea I turn into something will receive recognition as my SAVIOR! Any help is so greatly welcomed and appreciated with a virtual hug! And I promise I'll try to be back on a blogging schedule this Sunday. I even have a controversial subject in mind ;-)

Thank you and have a beautiful night!
April 11th, 2014 at 03:28am