So Something Really Freaky Is Happening in My House at the Moment and I Don't Know What to Do

It all started a few years ago, my sister woke up in the middle of the night. She saw a shape that roughly looked like a person standing by her bedroom wall. Her room is pretty small and her bed is next to the window and she saw the shape 'standing' in the centre of the wall next to her bed. She was really scared, and said she felt like it was talking to her and it said her name. She was really scared, so she ran into our parents room, crying. At the time we assumed she had a nightmare and hadn't realised so we didn't pay much attention. Soon after, she started to act really odd and secretive and started to get into fights in school. She ended up telling me more about the figure. She said that she knew it was a man and it would wake her up almost every night and talk to her and it made her draw these pictures (which were just black figures). I just assumed that she was making it up, she's one of those people who love having things wrong with her, and went along with it. After a couple of months she stopped talking about it so we all assumed she just lost interest because she wasn't getting a lot of a reaction.

Now fast forward to about January this year, I was brushing my hair in my mums room after I washed my hair and was about the dry it when I suddenly got this really bad feeling, like really bad. My chest felt tight and my heart was palpitating really bad and I knew that I just needed to get out of the room, I couldn't explain it. So i grabbed the hair dryer and started to dry my hair in the hall, but I still felt really anxious, so I closed my mums bedroom door and the feeling just stopped. I forgot about it by the time I went to bed.

Now this is when it starts to get really weird.

Last Sunday, I think it was, my mum realised something; my sister has had six pets die or get hurt in the exact place that she saw the shadow. She has had one other pet in the room that has never been in that spot and there is absolutely nothing wrong with her. The first gerbil had what we assumed was a stroke or heart attack about a week after she moved his cage to the spot. She moved her furniture again after that and her other gerbil was running around on her bedroom floor and got startled by something and fell off a low shelf that he had got on and off loads of times before and broke his leg, which he ended up being needed to be put down about because my parents couldn't afford the vet bills. She got two new gerbils and put them in the same place. One had to be put to sleep because he suddenly started to bleed seriously out of his ears and the other just suddenly died. She had a hamster then, who died after about six months, and she was perfectly healthy one day but just suddenly passed away the next. The last hamster she had died after about three weeks, he was a big, healthy boy who had no health problems. He just suddenly got ill and passed away in his sleep.

We started talking about it all and I remembered the bad vibe I had in my mums room so I told her about that. We did a bit of online research and thought we might have had a manifestation of negative energy or something (my mum found it). Then that night I had the bad feeling again, it was in my room and it was pretty late, so I couldn't just walk out my room. I lit a lavender candle thinking it would help soothe me, it didn't really work so I blew it out. A while later I ended up falling asleep.

Just now I was in the shower. Our shower is a small cubicle one with a big glass door, there's a gap between the top of the door and the ceiling and I hang my hair towel there all the time. The shower nozzle is on a hook (I don't know if this is the right word?) facing the glass door. I was standing facing one of the walls at the side and I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. It was huge and black and it moved pretty quickly. It couldn't have been my towel because its bright blue.

I started to have really bad heart palpitations again and it felt like something was watching me. I really quickly got dressed, which was really hard because my hands were shaking really badly, and practically ran out of the bathroom. It took me half an hour to be able to go into my mums room to get the brush and hair dryer again and I had to close my mums door when I was drying my hair because I still felt like I was being watched.

I still feel really freaked out. I've lit three candles in my room because the smells normally calm me down but it isn't working. I don't feel in danger any more but I still can feel the aftermath of the experience.

I don't know what to do about the situation. I hate this feeling. There's nothing there I should feel afraid of. I feel better that my mum feels it too, but I feel like it's targeting me now.

Does anyone have any advice or had an experience similar to this? I could really do with some assurances right now.
April 13th, 2014 at 10:11pm