I'm Sorry...

I had to delete Reverse This Curse. I haven't been updating it lately, and coming back from a place where the real Cody is, I feel a little rude making a story about him. Even if it is all the Cody's I have met mixed together, I feel like it's bad for me to be doing this.

My other stories with CodyXCodyXCodyXCody are still up. I can't delete them! They are my babies, and I also got bored of this one. So again, I am very sorry if you loved it.

On the bright side, my new crush shoved me into a locker and said, "Coming through! Move it, freshman!" Haha, so that happened and I threw up. So! I love you all and I hope I didn't hurt you guys so much with deleting the story! :( :( :( :(

*whimper, whimper*
April 16th, 2014 at 01:21am