Oh, Mibba, Why So Serious?/Eyeball Fetish

Oh my God, I used a dash in my title. Omg, is that going to get removed? It can't be removed. Omg, are ALL my dashes from previous blogs going to get removed? That's going to make my titles look messy. Omg, can I say "Omg", still? That's my thing. Seriously. That's my phrase slash not phrase slash abbreviation.

Okay, freak out's over now. So, I've been seeing a ton "The staff are bullying people" blah, "And they're enforcing grammar/punctuation rules while threatening to delete stories that aren't edited". Personally, I don't see the problem with that. I honestly don't. That's just me though.

I thought I would attempt to lighten the mood. Ergo…

~Eyeball Fetish~
Yes, you did in fact read that correct. Eyeball fetish. It sounds disgusting, but wait, there's more. A friend told me about this eyeball fetish and me being me, *makes dramatic hand motion* had to go search it up on Youtube.


Here's a video about it, I'm sorry, I do not know how to embed the video so you can watch directly from the blog. Does anyone want to help me out with the code? I'd appreciate it a ton because last time I asked for help, I received none. v.v Where were you then Blog Moderators? Where were you?

Just kidding. Or am I? Don't correct that grammatically incorrect question, thanks.

So yes, this eyeball fetish has been going around in Japan. Specifically Japanese school kids. Apparently kids have been wearing eye patches... Licking people's eyeballs can lead to:

1. Eye infections
No, really? I don't believe it.

2. Blindness
People should totally use it as a trappity trap trap to make their significant other stay with them.

It's so weird.

I love the woman talking in the video. She's great.

That's all I had to say.
April 16th, 2014 at 06:07am