Are There Limits to Shipping?

And to rephrase this a bit, how far can you ship before the shipping goes too far?

I'm asking this question and begging for feedback because I have ran into a bit of a rut when it comes to shipping. My friend and I, let's call this person Birdy, have been shipped together lately. It was all fun in games in the beginning and the two of us would just look at each other and go, "Eww. Not likely." Now? Not so much.

I don't know Birdy's position on the whole thing. I mean, it's gotten to the point where the two of us have a ship name and even our English teacher thinks that we'd make a cute couple. For example: yesterday during Humanities, my English teacher passed a note to a friend of our's saying that Birdy and I should date. There are a few things wrong with this:

✖ Birdy and I are fairly good friends. To top that off, we sit next to each other in Humanities.
✖ Our friends, mine more specifically, tease us about it during the day or they may bring something up that relates/drops hints to it.
✖ Neither of us no longer go, "Eww." And for me, that's a problem. Perhaps we're just tired of denying it the idea of it?

And it's one of those things where I would like Birdy's opinion on the situation because it's recurring and it can be annoying and/or awkward at times. I'm through with with denying the idea of it because A) I know that it's just something to wish for and B) I don't mind the possibility of it all that much. Him, however? I don't know. It's got to be weird for him. If it's weird to me, I know it's weird for him because he sits with a mildly (but not at all) attractive girl two hours of the day that he's constantly being shipped with. I decided to text him and ask him, but knowing him, he isn't going to reply to my text message. That's just him. Especially if it's asking for an honest opinion on such a situation. I'll just ask him in person tomorrow.

But to sum this up, how far do you think shipping can go before it's too much?
April 16th, 2014 at 10:56pm