I've Only Had about Two Hours of Sleep. (You Guys Wanna be Awesome and Check Out My New Story?)

Thanks to that little cutiepoophead.

She was being suck a sook baby last night. Would not sleep unless she was on me, specially, under my shirt, between my breasts. I think she liked the warmth, but I can't be sure.
I'm so tired. She's napping on her heating pad, so I think after I eat this yummy McDonalds breakfast my mom got me, I'll try to get a nap in too.

It's very different, raising a kitten as young as Vera. It has it's challenges, but I wouldn't trade this little bundle of joy for the world. I'm so happy her eyes are starting to lighten up, and we're starting her on soft foods in about a week.

She is most definitely my baby.
So if you guys wanna be awesome, and check out this new story I'm working on, I would appreciate it so much. Only the prologue is up as of right now, but I do have about 25% of the actual first chapter written. After I get some sleep in me (and can write coherent sentences) I'll probably finish the chapter up tonight.

Annnnd Vera's mewing in her sleep. God help me, she's got me wrapped around her tiny little paw.
April 17th, 2014 at 03:30pm