I Just Realized What Kind of Person I Am

I'm the kind of person who when I wake up i'm ready for lunch while others are wanting breakfast. I don't hate breakfast, I just don't care for the breakfast types of food. So most of the time I either have to get Bojangles or wait until eleven when people do start serving lunch. Or noon if I want Chinese food.

I'm the kind of person who does not like mornings. I hate mornings and eight is too early to get up. Even nine. Though now and days when i wake up at nine it is sometimes hard to go back to bed when I know everyone else is up and at it. I just lay there for a little while. I only sleep in on Sunday when everyone has gone to church so I don't feel pressured into getting up with everyone.

I'm the kind of person who when they have their mind set on what they want, they will get it one way or another. Though that can be annoying because I hate driving so much. So when i make up my mind to get something to eat and it's not there I'll have to drive to another place to get it or think of something else which is a pain and a half.

I'm also that person who needs to change their voice mail but can't really be bothered right now >.<
April 17th, 2014 at 06:13pm