Mindless Rant about Something None of You Care About

Vechs (cue massive group sigh of "here we go again") posted a video recently where he ditched his entire Ultra Hardcore survival group to run off and stick a nametag on a zombie pigman, naming it Zisteau. This resulted in GenerikB's death, leaving a just-returning Vechs and a panicking JSano to figure out what to do against the enemy team at their door.

Tumblr and Reddit have exploded. It's so pathetic. Hate spawns more hate; if you don't like what Vechs did then don't mention it. I don't like that GenerikB ran off alone to fight, but I don't support Vechs's fangirling over Z at time when he was really needed.

It used to be that BlameTheController was the only Mindcracker everyone picked on, but now that BTC has jumped in the fray and attacked teams all on his own, that hate has switched to Vechs.

How many red-lined words can I fit in this blog? Damn.

I know what he did was stupid and a waste of time, but seriously. Mindcrack is not life. It is a game. A time to have fun with a few friends and just fool around. It is not the most important thing ever spawned. Reddit, in typical Reddit attitude, is acting so very disappointed in Vechs. Most of them sound like a really pissed Stewie right now, I'll say. At least Tumblr is being respectful to both sides.

But when you flat-out go and bash on Vechs, that's not okay.

He doesn't call people sluts. He doesn't do things for no reason. He isn't alive just to entertain you. Let him act as he will in his own YouTube videos and get the consequences as they come.

He's 28, he can deal with his own actions.

- V
April 17th, 2014 at 06:49pm