Why You Gotta Be Anti-Mayo?

My last two blogs were deleted because either I didn't capitalise my words or because I used shortened words (because I don't like sounding so formal all the time). At least, that's what they say. But they both had at least a paragraph dedicated to mayonnaise and I suspect they got deleted because Mibba is anti-mayo, tbh.

But other than that, it's G Friday and I'm being forced to eat salmon for like, the sixth consecutive week. I am so done with salmon. It's nice and all, but I need a break. And apparently Made just changed my name to waifu.

Capitalisation in my blogs is making me uncomfortable. I guess that means I won't be writing as many blogs? Idk. I just don't like how formal it looks and sounds. It's a blog; it's not meant to always be super formal and professional. I don't like my blogs looking professional. I have a freaking gif of Nada attempting to twerk in my layout for God's sake. Maybe I'm just trying to cover up how hurt I am because Mibba is anti-mayo. Mayo is my life.

But whatever, I can't do anything about it. Also, I'm working on a new story titled Dumb Girl.. It's a short read and I would appreciate some feedback on it (if you want lol), because I don't usually write like that? Idk.
April 18th, 2014 at 06:04am