Clearing Up a Few Things.

This is only going to pertain to the stories and the edits story editors make to them because I'm not involved that much with the blogs and I have no idea what's going on with them. So, onto clearing up some things...

1. Story editors delete stories.
This isn't true. Not in the least. Story editors don't even have that feature available to them. The only people who can delete stories are Admins and deletion only ever happens when someone's story is clearly plagiarism or the person has blatantly refused to fix mistakes that have been pointed out to them (and that have not been fixed by a story editor).

2. Story editors can re-do my entire story.
No... Just, no. All we fix ninety percent of the time is your title. That is it. Sometimes we'll fix words in the long or short summary, but that's as far as our duties go when it comes to editing stories. We do not add in a whole paragraph because we think it'll make the summary better. Honestly, we don't have time to do that. If we edit your summary, it's to properly capitalize, spell, and punctuate things.

3. Story editors can delete some of my chapters.
Nope, we can't do this either. We don't even have access to your story's chapters. The only things we are able to edit are the title, short summary, long summary, and content rating. Other than that, we'll send you a message advising that you fix whatever is wrong with your chapters.

4. Story editors are mean.
Lawd. Are you serious? Fine, maybe we don't punctuate our messages with two-hundred smiley faces, but we are not mean (unless you've done something to warrant a mean attitude be directed towards you). I'm sure we don't mean to come off as such, either. And we'd really love to help you out with absolutely anything that you needed! Not sure about the story rules for Mibba? Send me a message and you bet I'll help you out, cutie! I'll even take a look at your summary for you to make sure it's golden! ::cute:

5. Story editors are given loads and loads of power.
Honestly, we're not. We're given limited abilities that allow us to help authors and their stories meet the rules that Mibba has in place. That's it. We don't have any super spy buttons or special features or even a nice lil' pin to wear. We just tweak stories a little so they follow the rules. That is it.

6. Story editors shouldn't be allowed to edit my story at all.
I feel you on this, I really do. But if we left up to the hundreds of people we message to fix their stories so they meet up to Mibba's rules, then only about forty percent of those users would actually put in effort to get their stories up to par. The rest would be left alone for whatever reason and we'd come across them again sometime, and the process would start all over again. The only reason we edit your story ourselves is because it's honestly just easier for everyone.

A summary:
People say that they don't have any sympathy for us and if we don't like our job then we should quit and blah, blah, blah. But here's the thing: we're not asking for sympathy. We are big boys and girls, and if we wanted to quit, we would. Most of the time our jobs are easy peasy. It's just time like this, when people don't make sure what they're saying is actually the truth or put in any effort to make sure what they hear is really true, that our jobs become really difficult. Because, lets be real here, the majority of Mibbian's don't even know what story editing entails here on Mibba. That much has been made clear by all the untrue complaints people have been making as of late.

The above is all we do. I swear. Our duties do not go any further than that. In fact, we are given no other abilities that allow us to do anything but the above and if you hear otherwise, then that person is lying through their teeth (and I can pretty much guarantee that they don't even know what in the blue fuck they're talking about).

So, yea. That's it. The only reason I made this blog was because I thought it was very unfair for the story editors to be bashed over things that were made up. And we're not trying to fuck up your stories or ruin your experience here on Mibba. We're honestly not. We want you to have a great time here and make new friends and grow as a writer and express yourself as you see fit. Promise. We're just trying to help you follow and understand the rules of Mibba.

Hope you have a splendid day!
April 18th, 2014 at 07:41pm