I'm a Procrstinator

I feel like I am doing these I'm a...blog and I don't mind becuase I feel like I can tell you guys anything here and wont be judged as if I were a freak. Which I know that I am and have been talked about behind my back ever since High School. I've learned to let it just roll off my shoulders because I have people in my life that care about me and don't care what I like, what I look like, and love me for me and that is all that I need!

As all of you know, I am moving on Monday. Well that is when I get on the train and it will take me about a day and a half to get there. Anyways that is besides the point and I still have things to bag up and give to Goodwill. There are things I need to pack into boxes but I did a lot of it and the most that is left are the things that are going to be taken to the place. The only thing I'm really not packing up, right now, is my Warm Bodies poster and my Avenged Poster; I don't want either of them to get wrinkled or bent. The Avenged poster is something my future wife gave me and it means a lot to me! It was the band that brought us together. Warm Bodies I bought for a dollar when I was camping with my family! The rest of the stuff are going in boxes and it's like, it hits hard sometimes and it's scary. I'm used to having my mommy around and I know she will be there but it still doesn't help that I"m used to living with her. I just know that I"m old enough to be out on my own and I have someone that loves me and supports me in everything that I do.

I need to go to through the bathroom and I need to find my friend's book. I think I put it back under the cupboard with all the V.C. Andrews books but I'm flipping out because I can't see it. I think have to take everything out and put it back in there!! I just need it because she is going to switch my book back to me. So we will see what happens to that!!

I feel like I have so much to do and so little time but that is me, always waiting till the last minute and sometimes I wont even get it done. I wish that I wasn't so lazy and putting it off all the time. I feel like I just lost a lot of energy and I've been taking Vitamins and they used to work but maybe it was just me. I think that is also what got to me, though! I was off a few days and I would get pissy and upset with people. Even my girlfriend and I know that they don't deserve that and for that I am sorry. I know that she will read this, like she does everything of mine. She is such a big supporter but biased, but I wouldn't want it any other way. She is what really pushes me into doing things and getting things done. Even when I'm a crab bucket to her. I love her with all of my heart because she loes all of my moods.

Anyways,, do any of you have that problem? I think it is what hinders my writing! I think that is also why I rush it and don't even finish sometimes. I feel a sense of accomplishment when I do finish though! I just need to get back on track and learn to push myself. I used to be able to do it. I know I"m going to need it when we go to the gym. Sorry I'm rambling on here and can't stop talking but today is just a really good day!

Also have any of you lost your way with a story? Gave up on it and didn't know what to do so you just stop writing it? I feel like that sometimes with mine. I just don't know if it's okay to just give up on it and let it go or to let it simmer. Anyways looking forward to hearing your opinions and just to talk to you all :)!

Thank you,
Stephie Rose
April 24th, 2014 at 12:03am