Survey for My Media Class

Hey guys, could you fill out this survey? I would really appreciate it.

1.) Gender:
Male or Female?

2.) Age Range:
a. Under 18
b. 18-24
c. 25-30
d. 31-40
e. 40-50
f. 50-60
g. 60+

3.) Race
a. White
b. Black
c. Hispanic
d. Other

4.) You live in what type of area?
a. Urban
b. Suburban
c. Rural

5.) List all of television programs/shows you have watched in the last two weeks.

6.) How many hours a week do you spend watching television? _________

7.) Would you consider yourself:
a. A heavy viewer of television
b. A typical viewer of television
c. A light viewer of television

8.) What methods do you get most of your news (tv, radio, newspaper, social media, word of mouth, etc.)?

9.) I think most of the television programs I watch reflect/mirror reality in society
a. true/yes
b. false/no

10.) List all of the video games (including on mobile devices you have played in the last two weeks)

11.) How many hours a week do you spend playing video games?

12.) Would you consider yourself:
a. A heavy gamer
b. A typical gamer
c. A light gamer

13.) I think most of the video games I play reflect/mirror reality.
a. true/yes
b. false/no

14.) My favorite genre of movies to watch are:
a. drama
b. comedy
c. romance
d. action
e. horror

15.) I think most of the movies I watch reflect/mirror reality
a. true/yes
b. false/no

16.) In your opinion, how widespread is violence in your country?
a. rather widespread
b. not very widespread
c. not at all widespread

Specify your country _______

17.) How serious is the danger for you personally that you might be a victim of a crime?
a. very serious
b. rather serious
c. not very serious
d. not serious at all

18.) In the last 5 years, do you think violent crimes in the U.S. have:
a. increased
b. decreased

19.) In the last 25 years, do you think violent crimes in the U.S. have:
a. increased
b. decreased

20.) For answers 18&19 please explain why you believe that it has increased/decreased.
April 24th, 2014 at 06:07pm