Click Read and Comment Please

So I just read the whole book, 354 pages. The book is called "The Last of The Red Hot Vampires" I have to say that it was a really good book, though when it started; I didn't like the main character. There was just something about her that I didn't like, she just plain and scientific; she wasn't fun. But once I read more into it she changed and got better.

Now I will be reading another book a "circque de freak" book, I wonder if I will finish it in a few hours. Either way I will read it. Now yesterday I went to the zoo with my son and his father, surprisingly him and I got along. *shocked face*. But the zoo in the bronx has a dinosaur exhibit! It was pretty neat, my son loved it and kept asking to go again but we both were all like, no!

Other then that I am writing this from my phone and for some reason as I am writing this, my screen goes to the "remove all" box and I end up typing in there. It does this with both the mobile site and non-mobile site while on my phone. It has also done this on the computer a few times.

Admins, can you please fix this.

Please, with a cherry on top...

A lot of cherries and maybe some chocolate covered strawberries with whipped cream... Please... I beg of you!!

Okay that's all.

Oh yeah, admins! My messages keeps saying I have one but I do keeps getting my hopes up and then breaking my heart... Stop teasing me with such things! Please!

Okay now I am done.
April 25th, 2014 at 03:28am