Comment Swap!

I really want opinions on this story so I want to do a comment swap!

The rules are:

You MUST comment first
Link me the story you want me to comment on
You get what you give!


It's pretty much just me wanting to tell you fellow Mibbians that me and my friend, Jess have rewritten and redesigned our old story Fate of the Angels and I was hoping you'd take a read and give us your thoughts on it so far!

The link is: Vita Mortem

Pretty much it's been a three year work in progress but since our writing has changed so drastically we decided that it needed to have a new story in it's own right because though it may be a vaguely similar plot the ideas are different!

Ps: Brownie points to whoever can guess what's going to happen plot-wise :D
April 28th, 2014 at 04:45am