Kids Don't Understand Atheism.

Always. On Instagram. On Twitter. On Facebook. Teenagers (most aged 15) are Atheists...... yet they don't know what it means. It just makes me think they're really uneducated and that they're trying to be "cool". Since when was bashing god "cool"?

My sperm doner was Mormon. I went to church when I was 4 and that's the only time I ever went. Then we stopped. I was not raised with any sense of religious direction so I don't have no beliefs at all. That does not make me Atheist.

Atheists believe in neither a God or a Devil. Sometimes Atheists are created through rebellion caused by being raised with strict believers. I was not raised "strict". They just didn't guide me because it didn't matter.

This also means if Jesus came down one day, I'm not converting to any relgion. Cool. He exists. Not my issue.

I don't hate God or Jesus and love Satan. I care for none of it because I was shown that it shouldn't matter how you live through your beliefs.

I hate the people who don't represent what they preach. Rapists, murderers, homophobes. I can't stand those people. Especially when they are People of God. I've never read the bible but I'm sure that these people will be banished to hell!

Some teens don't understand this concept. They just want to be different or let people know how 'BAMF' they are. Don't post pictures of upside down crosses or saying 'God sucks' and have your description say Atheist-Hail Satan. It isn't funny or cool. You're not funny or cool.

That is not Atheism.

The world would be easier if internet was only accessible once people learned the 'difference between' topics that are controversial and how to handle them with sass ( ̄^ ̄)


class. (ΘεΘ;)

Just like my mama taught me.

April 30th, 2014 at 01:23am