About My Story "Break In"

As you can see I deleted the latest chapter. If you didn't know, well now you do. I HATED how I ended it, but back then I was so stressed that I just posted it for sake of posting. That was my mistake. I usually never do that. I always make sure I'm happy with my chapter. It started out good, but then it turned to shit. So, hopefully by rewriting it I will make up for how shitty it was. If you liked it, then thank you, but I think the main reason I haven't been able to write for it is because of how much I dislike the chapter. I would rather wait a few weeks and give you quality rather than quantity. i know most of you support that and I am so thankful for remaining strong.

I will do my best to re-post the chapter and it will not end like how it did. I'm going to change it up and make it better. I really love the story and I don't want to delete it because of one single chapter. Hopefully with work slowing down I can write more now.

Thanks for the constant support. You are truly the best. I hope all is well for you and if it isn't, then just keep strong. It will get better!

When things are rough I always think "we are not okay, but this is not the end". Yes, that is from The Color Morale. A great band whose album "Know Hope" has gotten me through the darkest time of my life. I recommend it to those who need to find hope again.

April 30th, 2014 at 08:56am