A Man's Mind Is Madness!

So I know You are reading this, (yes I am completely aware that Y is capitalized in you, I did that on purpose.) but you are sleeping, like you have been, for the past like three days, “hibernating” if you will, and it’s kind of getting on my nerves now. And since I can’t talk to you here I am.

You have to understand that I’m a girl, I am clingy, obsessive and you know, I worry a lot about stupid little shit. Especially when my trust issues crowd my mind with bad news that could be happening with another girl, or guy, and it really freaks me out. Like, I never knew somebody could fall asleep at midnight, and then sleep until 8pm. I have never ever heard somebody do that. But according to my horoscope, I’m over reacting. Which is probably 100% true. I mean, maybe you’re jacking off a unicorn you built in Minecraft. Is that a thing?

No, probably not. You can’t build unicorns in Minecraft.

I trust you, don’t get me wrong, I just don’t trust humanity. Does that make sense? Like, I've been fucked over by humanity and “fate” too many times, and now I’m just a clingy, paranoid teenager who can’t just fucking stop thinking of three things all at the same time. Like,did that sentence even make sense?

Probably not.

So you can see how my mind is working. Haha, it’s not.

Maybe my mind is slightly crooked. I mean, I’m not a man, or a guy or a dude. But thinking about how your brains work broke mine, I can tell you that much. I think men drive me crazy, and not always in a good way. I don’t understand you guys at all. I don’t get the way you think before you do things. I know before I do something it takes me a lot of time to decide if I want to actually do it. Hell, it took me 30 minutes to decide if I wanted to call my uncle the other day, and then it took me another 30 minutes to decide if I actually wanted to sleep at his house for another night.

I don’t understand. I really don’t, how do guy think?


Just now, I’m thinking of you, I’m thinking of meeting your parents, I’m thinking of senior prom, I’m thinking of my friends life problems and the other day when I went and saw my favorite band.

I've heard that guys don’t think about much, I’m curious to know if our minds are similar or not.

And I want You to know, that if you’re reading this, don’t think it’s directed at you, I mean, sure, maybe at first, but not now. Now it’s too your general population, the guy population.

You guys are so confusing, and I really wish there was a book that I could give guys, and guys could give girls, to help us all understand each other a little bit better. I mean, every mind is different, but they are all similar.
May 1st, 2014 at 05:13pm