My Favorite Quote

"A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes." - Gandhi

This quote has inspired me for years. I first came across it in middle school while looking for some of the greatest quotes known to man. I think it might have been for a project, but at this point I don't remember. All I remember was falling in love. I mean, how could I not? Here was something so profound and poetic and beautiful!

Nothing could be more accurate. If your thoughts are positive, you achieve positive things. If you're negative, you become negative. You can only be who and what you want when you put your mind to it. It teaches a lesson for people to think only good thoughts and to try as hard as they can.

As a middle schooler, this quote helped me define my life. I took the time to reevaluate where my thoughts were (career wise) and so I would know what to do in high school and college. If I thought like a writer, maybe I'd become one. I don't know. It's probably silly but it really helped me figure out the path I want my life to take.

Plus, it's freaking Gandhi. When was this man not wise?
May 2nd, 2014 at 01:18am