A Quick Apology


So, um, as the title says, I just wanna give a quick apology to the people whose messages and comments I haven't replied to.

I'm taking a little break from Mibba, and have been doing it for the past few days. I didn't say anything from the start because I usually break my promis so I didn't want to make such a big deal out of it. Now though, I think my break is for real and I've been getting a few email notifications about some pm's, so I thought it's appropriate to just let you know why I'm not replying.

Okay, this sucks so bad because I just found our about what events Mibba is having this month, and those are the ones that I actually can contribute to (I couldn't participate in the poem-writing event last month 'cause I basicaly suck).

Ughh the event is so tempting, but I seriously can't.

Anyway, yeah so I'm sorry I haven't had the time to reply to any of your messages and/or read your story updates.

I think I'll be back in two, three weeks tops. I really don't want to stay away for too long.

I don't even know if anyone reads this, but yeah, I hope you're well, and I'll talk to you soon! :)
May 2nd, 2014 at 04:27pm