Prompt Blog #2: What Talent or Skill Do You Wish You Had?

'Sup guys?

So I was thinking about what things I have and the talents I wish I could have, and there's quite a few I've got, but I don't know what to write about.

Of course, the seemingly mediocre skill of putting a coherent sentence together, well, i don't have that skill. Despite the fact that i can write smut and fluff and 'good' poetry and I've written songs, but, like, i can't do the thing. Like right now. I just can't do the thing. It sucks.

Secondly, i wish i could have enough skill to be able to get on a skateboard and not fall off after six seconds. Seriously, my boyfriend thinks he's bad at skateboarding, and he's been doing it since like, freshman year. He's 19 now. I get on a skateboard and fall off after standing. What is my life.

I also wish i had the skill to carry myself around like i own the place. Seriously, wearing the clothes i want to isn't enough when people stare at me when i walk down the street. I wish i could look like i knew the world was held in the palm of my hand, because once i feel like that, my confidence shines. If i look like i'm scared, it's not the same. I wish i could have that confidence or that 'look' all the time, everywhere i go.

But yeah, those are the three I've thought of in my english class today. What about you guys? How do you feel about stuff like this?
May 2nd, 2014 at 07:32pm