I Live With Too Many Regrets


Help? I don't need help. I don't want help.

Have you ever stopped and remembered the horrible things that were all your fault? How you'll never be able to go back and change them? Stop and think about them now. Think of the mess you created after ward. Think of how you can never take it back and change it.

Have you ever lost a friend over your own selfish desires? Have you ever wished you could go back and change that?

Have you ever regretted a moment in your life? At the time, it was the best moment ever and you wouldn't want it to end and you wouldn't change anything about it. But now you regret it because it's the one moment in your life that's changed every thing about you. And it hasn't just changed you. It's also changed your relationships with your friends and family. Would you go back and change it now?

Have you ever regretted an answer? Whether it be "yes", "no", or something logical? Would you change your answer if you knew then what you knew now?

Have you ever regretted saying "I love you" to someone? If you knew then how far these words could take you, would you refrain from saying them? Would you say them to someone who really needed to hear them?

I don't want help, I want a time machine.
May 6th, 2014 at 02:19am