You're in the Know.


So, in regularly updating Vita Mortem, I'll be doing a vlog with staff member Death the Angel talking about that story and a possible new one that we're planning out tonight.
It's going to be exciting! So, if you want see our faces outside of the tiny little profile picture spaces we are given, here is your opportunity.

We did originally do a part-vlog at my house, but we got interrupted, and then we were struck by inspiration at the house we were walking through in Karapiro.
So, I guess the trip down there was worth it, because we were inspired to write a story, and we got McDonalds and Thai food out of it as well.

Death the Angel and I are also looking for jobs, so that we can find a flat and move out from our family homes. It'd be nice to find a job quickly, considering my parents are selling the house and moving out. I don't really want to move away from my friends now that I'm 18 and I can really start to live my life how I would like, responsibly I might add. I had an interview, but the interviewer hasn't called me back so I'm a bit nervous.

Anyway, as that is a deep look into my life right now, I'll leave it at that. If you want to check out the vlog, it'll be up in a few hours over on Death the Angel's profile.

Thank you for reading, here is a rose for doing so @};-
(Placidly) rage quit this entry!
May 6th, 2014 at 11:22am