Never Give Up - (1) Happiness

Never Give Up
- (1) Happiness

Hello everyone, my name is Judy Feng Liu. As you can tell I am a Chinese. In addition to my being a translator and interpreter, I am also a writer.
I am a stubborn person and never give up in my life. So, I would like to talk about this subject with you.
In our lives, we always meet a lot of failures and setbacks. When you meet the failures and setbacks, you might be sad; you might be upset; you might be drunk; you might lose your mind; you might cry. Indeed, you can be sad, upset, cry or drunk, but you should not give yourself up! You should gather yourself together and cheer yourself up!
So, how to cheer yourself up? Well, I think there are a lot of ways. For example, you can sing very loudly and then cry. And then go to a mirror, saying this to yourself in the mirror: I am the best, I can do it. I can conquer any problems in my life. I can stand up again, again and again! I will never, ever give up!
Actually, you can choose your way to cheer yourself up according to your own situation. But no matter what way you choose, remember, after you release your pressure, you should tell yourself to be happy, you should tell yourself not to give up, because if you give up, everything in your life will be worse. If you don’t give up, if you feel happy, if you gather yourself together, everything will be better and better! I trust you can do it, I trust you can cheer yourself up! I trust you, please trust yourself!
Okay then, thank you for listening! Welcome to contact me at any time( I would like to listen to your stories.
See you next time, my dear friends. Have a good day!

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May 7th, 2014 at 07:35am